All hail autumn!

The summer of hell is over! I know its October and clearly summer is no longer, though Los Angeles temperatures dictate that 90+ temps will make it seem like summer well into the arrival of pumpkin spice everything at Trader Joes, but I am just now beginning to breathe a big sigh of relief from the heat.

I spent my summer suffering through hourly hot flashes, two Mercury retrograde periods, selling my house, moving, finding a job, getting back on the dating horse, and generally freaking out big time. I also managed to squeeze in going to ALA, not going bankrupt, and turning 48.Obviously the big stressors were selling my house, where I lived for fifteen years, and moving into a rental house with my two kids and two cats; no one was excited about this change of address least of all me. It was part of my divorce, and I could not put it off any longer.

Since my twenties, I have had a near nightly recurring dream about having to move. It is as horrible as it sounds. Moving in real life began to feel like one of my nightmares, with that slow motion film quality dreams have. I zombie walked through most of it as well as the sale of the house. I felt ground down, small and defeated.  My real estate agent said I would feel such relief at the end of the “process” but I only felt a dull hollow ache for my life that was no longer.

During this hot and heavy time, I was still churning out cover letter and resumes, and interviewing in the summer heat, dripping sweat on the desks of prospective employers.

I am so looking forward to fall and my extra hour of daylight savings sleep! All hail autumn!

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